Label bio:
We’ve all been there. Those times when you are lost on a dry ice blanketed dancefloor; the dense fog coloured with spherical hues of greens, pinks and blues, where human shaped silhouettes undulate haphazardly like distant waves on the horizon. Then that moment happens; something cuts through the system like a shot of sorbet directly down your spinal cord. The confusion lifts, the haze turns to clarity and suddenly you see your fellow audience with fresh eyes, all synchronised in movement at the most primal level.
That moment, right there, is Lucidflow.
Since 2009, Nadja Lind and Helmut Ebritsch have helmed the Berlin based imprint, an outlet for their own creations—either together as Klartraum or in solo form—and for those who share an affinity with their vision; deep without being languid, direct without being obvious.
Just go and cast your eyes over the Lucidflow back catalogue. Go on, we’ll still be here when you get back.
Impressive isn’t it?
We’re sure significant names like Ian Pooley, Alexi Delano, Silicone Soul, Paul Loraine, Steve Rachmad, Hernan Cattaneo, Chris Lattner, Terry Francis, Saytek, D. Diggler, Yapacc, UGLH and G-Man may just cause you to raise an eyebrow in intrigue. 2012 has been the strongest year for the label yet, and all signs are pointing towards an explosive future.
As with anything these days Lucidflow is not purely devoted to the standard format of releasing music; regular podcasts invite friends and admired artists—including the likes of Scottish heavyweights Slam and Techno maestro Robert Babicz—into the fold, regular videocasts give a window into the world of the Commander-in-Chiefs, for those cursed with the affliction of retail addiction there is the Lucidflow shop for items of a t-shirt-y nature, and the pair have extended their critical and technically adept ears into the world of mastering at Agile.
So come join the family, listen to our beats, learn from our vidcasts, scan through the multiple worlds of social media that we are present on—Twitter, Facebook, Soundcloud, Mixcloud and all the usual suspects—and wonder what on earth that stuffed toy is that Nadja keeps in the studio—personally, I don’t have a clue, it looks like hair with sunglasses from what I can see. Once you step into our world, you’ll wonder how you lived a life without the flow.
Future flows: Lucidflow Vinyl coming soon…
Wax junkies –> this way!
Talking of fat, Lucidflow is fattening. So much so that a little blob has fallen off started to resemble a shape that looks very much like a BRAND NEW RECORD LABEL. I know, I know, shock faces all around. We are calling it im-moral and it will be spreading darker edged Dub and Techno shaped joy to you all.
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